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Episode 4: Intermittent Fasting

Season #1 Episode #4

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In this episode I give you tips today on how to accel your weight loss with intermittent fasting and give your pathophysiology details, because knowledge is power.


The more you know the more likely you are to take good care of yourself.


So, what is intermittent fasting? 


It is when you give your body a break from food. Plain and simple.


When we give our body a break from food, we get a break from blood sugar and the levels of insulin decrease. 


Because as you remember, insulin rises in response to blood sugar to let it into the cells to be used for energy.


In the absence of excess blood sugar, our body breaks down storage units of blood sugar to use them for energy. 


Once the blood sugar stores, call glycogen, are used up -- our body generates an enzyme called lipase to break down fatty tissues and use them for energy. 


This cannot occur when our insulin levels are high because high levels of insulin block lipase.


SO to recap: when you are not eating food, your body uses your own fat for energy. 


Why does this matter?


For a long time we have been taught that eating multiple meals throughout the day boosts our metabolism and helps us to lose weight, but in reality out metabolism only burns about 10-15% 

of those calories leaving the rest behind to be delt with as storage on the body.

We can break this cycle.


You get to decide when you will eat and what you will eat. 


You do not have to conform to our societal patterns. 


You do not have to eat 3 meals per day with 2 snacks.


In fact if you are trying to lose weight, you SHOULD NOT be doing that. 


However, there are special situations require eating small frequent meals with certain health conditions, such as women who are pregnant and suffering from nausea,

breastfeeding moms who require additional calories, people who have low blood sugar, or someone who needs to take medication 3 times per day with meals.


Generally this is tolerated really well and many people experience weight loss, increased energy levels, and are more in tune to their hunger signals. 


How can you implement this:

1)    Decide how many meals you will eat per day. 

2)    Define your eating window, the is the number of hours during the day that you will eat and the number of hours during the day where you will fast.

3)    Stop snacking.

You got this!